Horror Cinema: Hatchet III

I had high expectations going into Hatchet III because I thoroughly enjoyed the other movies in the franchise. I was not disappointed. Not only did this iteration of the Victor Crowley story offer satisfying blood and guts, it expanded on the folkloric backstory behind the villain. Whereas other franchises can get bogged down by trying to explain backstory, this one made it better, changing my view of Crowley as a crazy swamp man into a crazy swamp monster.

If you like the Hatchet movies, then I am pretty certain you will like this one, too. Highly recommended!

McDonnell, B.J. Hatchet III, Dark Sky Films, 2013.

Horror Comedy Trivia: Young Frankenstein

When Mel Brooks was preparing for this film, he discovered that Ken Strickfaden, who had made the elaborate electrical machinery for the lab sequences in the Universal Frankenstein films, was still alive and living in the Los Angeles area. Brooks visited Strickfaden and found that he had stored all the equipment in his garage. Brooks made a deal to rent the equipment and gave Strickfaden the screen credit he did not receive for the original films.

Frankenstein, 1931
Young Frankenstein, 1974

Find more behind-the-scenes facts at IMDb Trivia: Young Frankenstein (1974).