Demon Mummies of Japan

“It might seem odd that Buddhist temples in Japan house the occasional stray mummified demon (oni), but then again it probably makes sense to keep them off the streets and under the watchful eye of a priest.
[A] mysterious demon mummy can be found at Daijōin temple in the town of Usa (Oita prefecture).


The mummy is said to have once been the treasured heirloom of a noble family. But after suffering some sort of misfortune, the family was forced to get rid of it.

The demon mummy changed owners several times before ending up in the hands of a Daijōin temple parishioner in 1925. After the parishioner fell extremely ill, the mummy was suspected of being cursed.

The parishioner quickly recovered from his illness after the mummy was placed in the care of the temple. It has remained there ever since. Today the enshrined demon mummy of Daijōin temple is revered as a sacred object.

A much smaller mummy — said to be that of a baby demon — was once in the possession of Rakanji Temple at Yabakei (Oita prefecture).


Unfortunately, it was destroyed in a fire in 1943.”

From Monster mummies of Japan on

Haunted USA: Ghost Photos From the Whaley House Museum

There is nothing I like more than seeing ghosts caught on tape. I discovered a gallery of ghost photos submitted by visitors of the Whaley House Museum in San Diego, CA. Below are my favourites. See the full online gallery at the Whaley House Museum.

Submitted by Lauren P. on 7/13/13 – Possible apparition (see shoes)

Submitted by Steve L. on 2/1/12 – Entity

Submitted by Chris N. 12/13 – Possible apparition. Opaque face in window.

The Dullahan – Ireland’s Headless Horseman

“Clad in flowing black robes, the Dullahan has no head on his shoulders. He carries it with him in his hand, and because he is endowed with supernatural sight, he will hold the head up high. This allows him to see great distances, even on the darkest night.

But beware watching him pass by. You’ll be punished by either having a bucket of blood thrown in your face or you might be struck blind in one eye. The biggest fear of all, however, is if he stops wherever you are and calls out your name. This will draw out your soul and you’ll no longer be among the living.

Unlike the Banshee, which is known to warn of an imminent death in certain families, the Dullahan does not come to warn. He is a definite harbinger of someone’s demise and there exists no defence against him – except perhaps, an object made of gold. For some reason, the Dullahan has an irrational fear of gold and even a tiny amount may be enough to frighten him off.”

From Irish Culture and Custom

Image from CelticMKE