Horror Cinema Trivia: Only Lovers Left Alive

Only Lovers Left Alive is a dreamy tale about vampires that, interestingly, never uses the word “vampire” in the movie. I really enjoyed how this story made me reflect on the passing of time and the feeling of being connected to the past. I liked this tidbit about the movie related to British literature:

Christopher “Kit” Marlowe (Sir John Hurt) mentions writing Hamlet, and ghostwriting for William Shakespeare to have an outlet for his work. The real Marlowe died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 29, a few weeks before the publication of Shakespeare’s first known play. The Marloweian theory, which is considered fringe by a vast majority of scholars, suggests that he faked his death, and adopted the nom de plume “William Shakespeare.”

I loved the mix of moodiness and drama in this story.

Source: IMDb Trivia: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

Jarmusch, Jim. Only Lovers Left Alive, Soda Pictures, 2014.

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The Devil's Muse

A horror fan blog by Sean Zio.